Since Citesphere uses Zotoro as backend, you need a Zotero account to use Citesphere. You can create one here. Once you have a Zotero account, go to Citesphere and click on "Sign Up". You will be taken to a registration page. Enter your information and click "Create Account".
This will take you to the Zotero site. Login to Zotoro and approve the request to connect Citesphere to Zotero by clicking the "Accept Defaults" button. You should be redirect to Citesphere where all your groups should show up (note that this might take a little while depending on number and size of your groups).
Warning |
Should you not see your Zotero groups in Citephere after you connected your account, make sure that Citephere is allowed to see and edit your groups in Zotero. To check this, login to Zotero (on Click on your name and then select "Settings". Click on "Feeds/API". Find the key used by Citesphere (called "DigInG Citesphere" or "Citesphere"), and select "Edit key". Make sure that "Allow library access" under "Personal library", and "Read/Write" under "Default Group Permissions". If you made any changes, save them ("Save key" button). Now you should your Zotero groups show up in Citesphere. |