- Automatic annotation or creation of suggestions for annotation of texts
- Different tools should be connected and give feedback to their users about other users related activity
- There should be an overview page for annotation tools that provides details and visualizations of what the different tools do and how to use them (similar to DiRT directory, or maybe that works, or is a starting point?)
- robust way to bring together different authority services
- annotation of non-text files (e.g. audio, video, etc)
- incorporate temporality in annotation platform
- annotate copyrighted documents (how to deal with those documents?)
- how to make our tools scalable and 'performant' (esp. querying our annotations)?
- can we use visualizations more heavily for the annotation process?
- should be able to annotate annotations
- annotate collections of data
- annotate individual annotations – capture more about the meaning of an annotation; why was the annotation created? interest, association,
- write down research questions; connect those in some way to annotations
- how do we differentiate between the 2 different motivations for annotations (for personal research, or for sharing)?
- individual users can enter information shared with everyone
- search transcriptions incorporating variability ('fuzzy search', normalization)
- links into annotations
- make comments on annotations (e.g. for correction of errors)
- can we make a similar site to the pierce poem
but searchable?
- issues with hypothesis:
- documents are user based (can only annotate a document with the same user login)
- clunky
- annotate documents collaboratively (have a role model for the annotations, e.g. by documents, types)
- ways to analyze the annotations we've created
- have different types of annotations (e.g. technical, scientific, historical notes/annotations)
- while annotating, show links and connections to other sources (e.g. IsisCB)
- how can we connect with existing annotation projects (e.g. Darwin project)?
- add value to existing projects by adding functionality and features
- can we develop a tool/registry to keep track on what texts people work on