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Here are some tips to get you started. You can edit this page to see how it works!

1. Create a page

  • Click "Create" and select "Blank Page" to create your first page.
  • New pages are created as children of the page you are currently viewing.

2. Add to your page

  • Click "Edit" to enter the Confluence editor and use the page layouts feature to structure your content using sections and columns.
  • Use headings to format your text and drag and drop images into your page to provide visual interest.
  • Click "Insert" and select "Other Macros" to add macros for navigation, special formatting and other media.

On this page:

Table of Contents

3. Organise your pages

Here are some tips for organising your content.

  • Change the page order

The sidebar on the left displays your pages in a hierarchy. If you have Space Administrator permissions you can click "Space Tools" > "Reorder Pages" to move pages around.

  • Add labels

Labels help keep pages organised and make it easier for you to find the information you need. Click "Labels" at the bottom of a page to add or edit. The "Related pages" section on this page uses labels too!

  • Make templates

Standardise and speed up the page creation process with templates. You can create and format a template with page layouts, standard headings and instructional text for hints and guidelines. Check out our sample page on "Making a template"

Structure of a Virtual Space

A virtual space consists of Spaces and Modules. Spaces represent real or fictional spaces, meaning a space can represent for example a room in a building or exhibition, or it can represent a specific topic such as "programming in Python". A Space consists of a background image and links that are placed on the background image that allow users to move from one Space to another, from a Space to a Module, or from a Space to a website outside of a virtual space. Modules are built up similar to PowerPoint presentations. They consist of Slides that contain images and texts. Those slides are arranged in Sequences that define the order of the slides in a Module. A specific type of Slide is a Branching Point. Branching Points are Slides that in addition to text and images have Branching Point Choices (or Choices) that allow a user to jump out of a current Sequence into another one, effectively giving the arrangement of Slides in a Module a tree structure.

Virtual Spaces 2.0 

Virtual Spaces 2.0 has two components: the public virtual space that any user can see without being logged in and a private space requiring a user account and certain privileges that allows the creation of Spaces and Modules. To login to the private space, click on the login icon in the right upper corner. This will bring you to a page that allows you to either login or create a new user account. If you sign up for a new user account, an admin user will have to first approve your account and give you certain privileges before you can login to the private space.


On this page:

Table of Contents

Related pages

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "documentation-space-sample" and type = "page" and space = "VS2D"