If you're interested in using the import feature, we can talk about that later. For now, we'll start by adding records manually.
- Download a PDF of a journal article from your favorite bibliographic database
(e.g. PubMed, Google Scholar).
- Click the green and white "plus" icon.
- Click "Journal Article"
- Fill in the appropriate metadata fields for your journal article.
- Link the PDF to the bibliographic entry by dragging and dropping.
- Can also click on the "paperclip" icon, and select Attach Stored Copy
- of File.
- By default, Zotero will make a copy of the file, and store it in its
- own library. So if you delete the original, it won't affect the copy in your
library. UNLESS you link the file, rather than saving a stored copy.
- own library. So if you delete the original, it won't affect the copy in your
Import Items from the Web
=========================Now let's try the web importer.
- Navigate to PubMed Central: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
- Search for something, e.g. "model organism"
- Click on the first result
- Notice the icon in the address bar that looks like a sheet of paper.
- This means that Zotero thinks that it can extract bibliographic data from
- this page.
- Click the sheet-of-paper icon
- Notice the dialog in the bottom right, as Zotero imports the record.
- You should now see an entry in your Library!
- Click the arrow next to the new entry to see the resources that Zotero has
associated with that entry.
- Note the link to the PubMed website; double-clicking that will take you
- to the original page on PMC.
- Note also that it found a PDF!
- Double-click the PDF: it should open in your browser.
- You can also right-click, and select "Open in External Viewer"
Importing Multiple Entries
The Zotero web importer can import multiple entries at the same time.
- Go back to your search results on PMC.
- Note the icon in the shape of a folder in the address bar.
- Click on that folder icon.
- Select the search results to import, then click "OK"
- Note dialog in the lower right
- You should see those new entires in your library.
Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Search: "origin of species"
- Click first result: "On the origin of species"
- Note Zotero recognizes bibliographic entry; go ahead and import
- Note that metadata fields are populated; do you see any problems?
- Click "View book" on the right side of the page.
- You can navigate page images by scrolling, or using the menu in the
- upper right.
- Click page 23 in the menu at right.
- Click "Show OCR" tab. This shows plain text that has been automatically
extracted from the page.
- We want to attach the full OCR text to our bibliography entry...
- Click: Download Contents > Download Book > Download OCR
- Go to (in the menu at the top of your browser window): File > Save Page As --
pick an easy-to-find spot
- In Zotero, click on the entry for this document.
- Click the Paperclip Icon > Attach stored copy of file.
- Select the plain text file that you saved.
Digital HPS Repository
- Click on the links: History of Evolutionary Ecology > Evolutionary
- Ecology Oral Histories
- Click on the item: [Oral history interview with Stanton A. Cook about his
ecological research in California and Oregon. Part 1 of 3.](http://hpsrepository.asu.edu/handle/10776/6096)
- Here we'll use the "import web page" function in Zotero: click the blue page
icon in your address bar.
- Note that most metadata fields have been filled (including URL)
- You can select a different item type (e.g. audio recording), but you
- may lose some fields.
- Now we want to add the transcript of this interview to the item in Zotero.
- Right click on the "View/Open" link for the transcript bitstream,
- and "Save link as"
- In Zotero, click on the paperclip icon, and select the transcript file.
- For the audio file, may not want to add to library (too big) -- this would
- be a good candidate for linking to, rather than storing, a resource.
- Right click on the "View/Open" link for the audio bitstream, "Copy
- link location"
- Click the paperclip icon > Attach link to URI.
- Paste in the URL for the audio bitstream.