A virtual space consists of Scenes and Modules. Scenes represent real or fictional spaces, meaning a space can represent for example a room in a building or exhibition, or it can represent a specific topic such as "programming in Python". A Scene consists of a background image and links that are placed on the background image that allow users to move from one Scene to another, from a Scene to a Module, or from a Scene to a website outside of a virtual space. Modules are built up similar to PowerPoint presentations. They consist of Slides that contain images and texts. Those slides are arranged in Sequences that define the order of the slides in a Module. A specific type of Slide is a Branching Point. Branching Points are Slides that in addition to text and images have Branching Point Choices (or Choices) that allow a user to jump out of a current Sequence into another one, effectively giving the arrangement of Slides in a Module a tree structure.