Add Concepts to Conceptpower

Add a single concept

You can add a single concept by making a POST request to the following URL:


You define the values of the concept you want to add in JSON format:

    "pos": "noun",
    "description":"Soft kitty, sleepy kitty, little ball of fur.",

You can use the following attributes:

  • word (required): the name of the concept
  • pos (required): the part of speach of the concept. Should be one of the following: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, other
  • conceptlist (required): name of the conceptlist the concept should be added to
  • description (required): description of the concept
  • type (required): type id of the type of the new concept
  • synonymids: ids of synonyms for the new concept
  • equals: URIs of concepts that are equal to the new concept
  • similar: URIs of concepts that are similar to the new concepts


Conceptpower uses Basic Authentication. If the concept was added, the submitted JSON will be returned but with an ID attribute added.

Add several concepts

You can add serveral concepts by making a POST request to the following URL:


You define the values of the concepts you want to add as a JSON array:

        "pos": "noun",
        "description":"Soft kitty, sleepy kitty, little ball of fur.",
        "pos": "noun",
        "description":"Tomcat, the server.",

The attributes that can be submitted for every concepts are the same as the ones described above.

Conceptpower will return a JSON array with entries for each concepts that indicate if submission was successful.

Creating WordNet Wrappers

You can create a wrapper for an existing WordNet concept, but adding a wordnetIds entry to the JSON you submit. If there does not exist a wrapper for the provided WordNet concept, a new wrapper will be created. 

    "wordnetIds": "WID-00450866-N-01-pony-trekking,WID-03981924-N-01-pony_cart",
    "pos": "noun",
    "description":"Soft kitty, sleepy kitty, little ball of fur.",

wordNet id

if you submit a wordNet id, the fields pos and word will be ignored.