Module 1: Digital Materials & Collections
Module 1: Digital Materials & Collections
Lecture Slides (Module 1)
Resources (Module 1)
Learning Goals
By the end of this module, you should...
- Be able to build a collection in Zotero, using a variety of sources, and have a basic understanding of the following concepts:
- Be able to export a Zotero collection to RDF, and have a basic understanding of the following concepts:
- What is the semantic web?
- Schemas (DC, FOAF, etc.)
- Have a basic understanding of file types and formats as it relates to digital collections.
- Have basic understanding of Optical Character Recognition, and be able to use command-lines tools to perform OCR.
Goals for Next Time
- Build a collection in Zotero.
- Curate your metadata:
- disambiguate author names
- clean up dates
- Obtain plain-text content, and add it to your collection.
- Export your collection to RDF.
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Tutorial: Building a Text Collection with Zotero
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Resources (Module 1)
Resources (Module 1)
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