digilib image server

digilib image server

The digilib development repository lives on Sourceforge: http://digilib.sourceforge.net 

with a Mercurial code repository: http://hg.code.sf.net/p/digilib/code 

(there is also a mirror on github: https://github.com/robcast/digilib ).


To run digilib you need:

  • Java (version 7 or later)
  • Tomcat (version 7 or later) or Jetty

To build and develop digilib you also need:

  • Mercurial (or git)
  • Maven

Installing digilib

You can get digilib either as a pre-built WAR file from:

or build your own version (preferred) by following the "Developer build" instructions on http://digilib.sourceforge.net/build-maven.html

You can put the resulting WAR file or the "exploded" web application directory in the "webapps" directory of your Tomcat server and restart Tomcat.

Configuring digilib

See the digilib configuration documentation at http://digilib.sourceforge.net/digilib-config.html

The most important digilib configuration option is basedir-list. It specifies the base directory that digilib uses to find its images. (If you want to use prescaled images and thumbnails please read http://digilib.sourceforge.net/image-directories.html).

You can check the current settings in your running digilib on the page http://localhost:8080/digilib/server/dlConfig.jsp 

Using digilib

When digilib is running you can access your images in the default HTML frontend digilib.html by putting the relative path to the image file or folder in the fn-parameter: http://localhost:8080/digilib/digilib.html?fn=book1/page0001

You can also use the digilib Scaler API or the IIIF Image API to access scaled images directly:

Presentation slides