Malte wants to extract which paragraph describes which model
Rennie: a taxonomy builder would be useful (or at least documentation about how to create taxonomies)
Robert: usecase descriptions of taxonomy development would be good for that is an example of how to build flexible taxonomies and uses a tool for linking audio files with transcriptions (and every interview has location attached)
Ulrike: tmf could benefit from modularization → workflow language (cwl)
eveline: might be relevant: digilib, GIles, Quadriga, Jupyter Notebooks with Dataverse
crystal: how to balance building up infrastructure and taxonomy for research question with changing research question?
crystal: how do you test your prototypes? pay undergrads, in a class setting, ...
Rennie: could we develop a standard for (tool) documentation?
Julia: could we start a list of tools that we know are maintained with a brief description what they do?