Citesphere Documentation
Developer Documentation
Tech Stack
- MongoDB
- Apache Zookeeper
- Apache Kafka
- Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers
- MongoDB Compass
- Apache Tomcat 8.5.x
Keep Tomcat, Kafka, Zookeeper path ready.
Project Local Setup
- Create Zotero account.
- After creating an account go to this link and create an application.
- Give Application name: Citesphere dev, select Browser as Application type. Enter callback URL as http://localhost:8080/citesphere. Click register application.
- Keep client key and client secret ready.
- Creating "settings.xml" file.
- Create a file named "settings.xml" inside .m2 folder. It is a hidden folder. To view it go to your home directory press command + shift + . All hidden files should show up.
- Now open .m2 folder and create a file "settings.xml"
- create two folders uploadFiles and keep note of its path.
- copy below code into it.
- Start MySQL
- Open terminal enter this command /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u your_mysql_db_username -p . If you don't have any additional user other than root just give root as username. Press enter. Give your MySQL password.
- create another user. Use this command. CREATE USER 'user_name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
- Grant all privileges. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'user_name'@'localhost';
- update new username and password in "settings.xml" file which is inside .m2 folder.
- Type exit you will come out of mysql terminal.
- Now start MySQL with new username and password you just created /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u your_mysql_db_username -p
- Create a database citesphere using this command. create database citesphere; press enter.
- Use newly created database. use citesphere; press enter. You will get a message saying Database changed.
- Start Apache Kafka and Zookeeper.
- To start Zookeeper open terminal and use this command. sudo /Users/your_path/zookeeper-3.3.6/bin/ start .
- To start Kafka use this sudo /Users/your_path/kafka_2.11-1.1.1/bin/ /Users/your_path/kafka_2.11-1.1.1/config/ (there is space in between and /Users)
- Install Elasticsearch:
- Version: 7.12.1
- To start elasticsearch open terminal and use the command:
cd /Users/your_path/elasticsearch-7.12.1
- Version: 7.12.1
- Clone the citesphere repository in local from
- Import the project in eclipse → While importing make sure the import is done from the directory - {directory where the project is cloned}/citesphere
- Open the Servers view (Window → Show View → Servers, or maybe Window → Show View → Other ... and select Server, then Open) and click New → Server.
- Now select Tomcat v8.5 Server and click Next. Select the Tomcat installation directory and click Finish.
- In the Servers view, it can be noted that the Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost will be present. Double click on this. Click on the Timeouts section. Specify the start time limit as 500s and stop time limit as 15s and press Command + S/Ctrl + S to save.
- Right click on the citesphere project Maven → Select Maven Profiles...Select the profile id and ensure that the id is same as the id specified in the settings.xml file in ./m2 folder. Click Ok.
- In the servers view, right click on the Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost and select Add and Remove...If citesphere is not added, add the same and click Finish.
- Right click on Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost and click Clean....
- Right click on Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost and click Start....
- Once the server is started up and running, go to http://localhost:8080/citesphere and verify if the citesphere page is loaded.
- Now, click on Sign Up at the bottom and create a new user with your credentials.
- Then logout and login with the credentials username: admin and password: admin.
- Click on Users tab. The user that was created should appear here. Add the user and click on Make Admin. Now, you can logout and login back with your own credentials.
- Click on Connect Zotero. It will redirect the page to the Zotero application. Do not click on Accept defaults. Please select Read/Write permission for the key.
- Now in the MySQL shell, you can find all the citesphere tables by using this command show tables;
- Similarly in MongoDB Compass, click on connect (need not specify any credentials). The list of collections in citesphere can be seen.