First Virtual Meeting

First Virtual Meeting

Date: Mon. Nov. 6, 8-9am MST, 4-5pm CET (https://doodle.com/poll/586gms5r7rzbpn6d)

Medium: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/919608238

Suggested agenda items:

  • measures to create activity
    • monthly (question) workshops
  • DH Tech track at DH conference
  • Survey about used technologies/programming languages/etc.

Discussion Notes

  • The next virtual meeting will coincide with the first DHTech workshop on January 15, 2018, 8am MST/4pm CET
  • Topic for the first workshop will be Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment with GitLab, Jenkins, Travis
  • At the next meeting we will also discuss a potential submission of a DH2018 pre-conference workshop or other plans for the next in person meeting
  • Julia will rename the DH2017 pre-conference workshop Confluence space to DHTech 
  • We will create a survey regarding programming languages and technologies used by DHTech members that will also inquire about potential future workshop topics (Julia will create a first version for others to comment on)
  • Carsten will write a Dhd Blog entry about DHTech and send it out for comments/edit.