2016-04-27 Retrospective

2016-04-27 Retrospective

ParticipantsErick Peirson (Unlicensed) 


What did we do well?

  • Learned a lot about optimization;
  • Learned philosophy of the language; best practices.
  • Pair programming was a good experience. +2
  • Learned Git, which was great.
  • Learned that just because they get the output doesn't mean that they are done!
  • Learned things that were directly relevant to own research/work.
  • Code reviews, code practices most valuable.  +2 
  • Good to learn from peers (codestyle, etc).
  • Learned lots about design patterns. (smile)
  • Lectures were helpful and useful (even for the Python people).
  • Learned how to wake up at 7am!

What should we have done better?

  • 2 classes instead of 3;
    • Better balance of home vs class work. 
    • Scheduling would be easier.
  • Need a tighter PR/review cycle. Faster review.
  • Stories should be more descriptive, so there is less back and forth.
  • Spend more time talking about stories and sprints.
  • Ease in to Git a bit more gradually; more Git in the beginning.
  • Face to face code reviews – review code together, in person.
  • Broader foundation? More lecture content.
  • Follow up on retrospectives; retrospect on our retrospectives.
  • Why do we stand up for stand ups?
  • Need more cross-over/background knowledge about projects.
  • !! Ban story numbers from stand up meetings !!


