How to come up with a research question

How to come up with a research question

Hypothesis vs Data-Driven or a combination of both


Hypothesis Driven

  1. Read theory and literature
  2. Create a hypothesis/research question
  3. Design experiment
  4. Compare results and hypothesis
  5. Based on results either:
    1. change the experimental design and repeat 1-5 
    2. interpret and discuss results


  1. Analyze data and get results
  2. Compare your results with other results
  3. Create a hypothesis/research question and either:
    1. change the experiments and analysis and repeat steps 1-3
    2. interpret and discuss results
  4. Read literature to understand how results either adhere/refute previous frameworks or theories
  5. Discuss results in relation to framework or theory with experts

These processes are not mutually exclusive and are interchangeable at multiple steps. However, to come up with a good research question you have understand the historical context to your question. 

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