Enduser Documentation

Enduser Documentation

Realizing the Epistemic Web

The Epistemic Web is the next step to create "a universe of knowledge on the Web that parallels human knowledge". By "federating documents" (either by hand or automatically) different sources of knowledge will be combined in order to provide access to several sources at once and to qualify the relationships of different sources. As central repository to store datasets from different projects, Quadriga aims to achieve federation of knowledge as a first step towards the Epistemic Web. (Hyman, Malcolm D. and Jürgen Renn (2012). "Toward an Epistemic Web.")



Quadriga is based on so-called "Quadruples," also referred to as "contextualized triples." Quadruples are subject, predicate, object triples with a context that includes metadata such as by whom or when a Quadruple was created. You can annotate texts with Quadruples representing your interpretation of a text using VogonWeb. VogonWeb will submit your Quadruples to Quadriga persisting the relationships you create between concepts along with information about who, when, and for what text they were created.

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