Adding Concepts to References

Citesphere Documentation

Adding Concepts to References

Citesphere allows you to add concepts to references. You can use this feature to for example add concepts that are being discussed in a paper, methods that are being used, place that are of importance, etc. Citesphere allows you to create concepts and concept types in Citesphere and then attach those concepts paired with a concept type to your references.

Concepts and concept types are two different entities in Citesphere and you always attach concept/concept type pairs to your references. For example, to keep track of what kind of software different papers use to, you could create a concept "Excel" and a concept type "Software" and than attach them to a reference for a paper that uses Excel to analyze their results.

You first need to create a concept and a concept type before it can be added to a reference.

Adding a Concept

To create a new concept, go to "Citation Concepts" and then "Concepts" in the main menu. Click on the "Add" button. You should see a page like this:

Enter a name for the concept (e.g. Excel), a short description of the concept you're adding (e.g. a software program by Microsoft), and a URI. URIs are unique identifiers that look like URLs. Using URIs can help later on, if you want to for example merge your dataset with someone else's. They might also use Excel to tag their references, but might call it "Microsoft Excel". If they use the same URIs as you, it is easy to decide that your "Excel" and their "Microsoft Excel" is the same thing.

For concepts of people, you can use VIAF for URIs; for places, you could use Geonames; for other types of concept you could use Wikidata or Conceptpower. 

Name and URI are required fields for concepts. Click "Create" when you've filled in the fields. If all is well you should be redirected to the list of concepts with the new concept added.

Adding a Concept Type

To add a new concept type, go to "Citation Concepts" and then "Concept Types" in the main menu. Click on the "Add" button. You should see a page like this:

Concept types have the same fields as concepts. Enter a name, description, and URI. Although only the name field is required, it is highly recommendable to add a URI as well for the same reasons as described above.

Note that if you want to be able to differentiate between for example software that was used to analyze results and software that was used to write a paper, you need two different types.

Attaching a Concept to a Reference

To attach a concept to a reference, go the reference in question and click the edit icon. Find the table row labeled "Concepts" and click on the "Add Concept" button on the right. Select a concept and the type that describes the relationship between the concept and the reference, then click "Add".

Add as many concepts as you in this way and make any other necessary changes to the reference. Then click "Save" to persist your changes. 

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