Creating Concepts

In order to create a new concept, select "Add New Concept" from the "Concept List" dropdown menu.

On the "Add new concept" page, fill out the fields as shown in the example below. Detailed descriptions of the fields can be found on the Concept Power Elements page.

A simple way to add a Viaf concept is using the search option in the term box. Enter the term to search on Viaf and press the search button. The screen will look similar to that seen below.

Select the "Show Results" hyperlink to expand the search results as shown below.

The search results include a search box to narrow down the results. The image below shows the results narrowed down to 4 (of an original 10) using the search term "darwin."

By selecting the checkbox next to the desired Viaf concept from the search results, the information in the "Concept" and "Equals" fields will automatically populate with the chosen information as shown in the image below.

The "Add Synonym" button opens the menu shown below that aids in searching for and adding a synonym to the new concept. Adding a synonym is an alternative to merging concepts if the concepts are very similar but with important differences (e.g. house and building).

Once adding the new concept is complete, the follow on screen shows a summary of the new concept as shown below.

Continue to next topic: Creating Concept Lists