Add New Wordnet Concept Wrapper

Conceptpower integrates a lexical database from Princeton called WordNet. These WordNet concepts come with the basic information provided by the WordNet lexical database. When using concepts in Conceptpower, it is sometimes necessary to provide additional data such as concept type, equal Viaf concepts, or similar URIs that are useful in Conceptpower and other programs that utilize these concepts. Adding information in addition to the WordNet standard to a concept is as simple as adding a new concept wrapper. In order to add a new Wordnet concept wrapper, select "Add New Wordnet Concept Wrapper" from the "Concept List" dropdown menu.

On the "Add new Wordnet concept wrapper" page, search Wordnet for a concept as shown below in section 1. This will produce a list of available terms as shown in section 2. Select the desired term as shown below.

check for WID

You can only create wrappers for wordnet concepts (concepts that have an id starting with WID).

In section 3, enter additional information such as the desired concept list, description, available synonyms, concept type, and any viaf or other concepts to associate with the new Wordnet concept wrapper.

Continue to next topic: Add New Concept Type