Editing Records
When you are logged in (and have staff authorization), the detail views for people, organizations, courses, etc. will look slightly different than they do to the unauthorized user. For example, a person detail view should look something like this:
Note the icons in the upper right corner of the screen. Clicking on the
icon will open a simple editing dialogue that looks something like this:For most kinds of records, you may only be able to change the name (or name parts), and indicate whether or not the record is validated.
"Validated" means that a curator has examined the record, and believes that it is accurate. This means that all relations are correct, the name is correct, etc.
External Authorities
In addition, for some record types you will be able to associate records with entries in external authority services. For person records, you should use the Conceptpower authority service (https://chps.asu.edu).
Clicking on a search result in Conceptpower should reveal a modal that looks something like this:
Note the URI (second row) that begins with "http://...": http://www.digitalhps.org/concepts/CONe5b55803-1ef6-4abe-b81c-1493e97421df. This is the URI that you should enter in the Conceptpower URI field on the person change view.
For locations, use the OpenStreetMap service (https://www.openstreetmap.org/). Here is an example search result:
Clicking on the "share" button on the right side of the screen has revealed the panel at right. Note the "Link" field; this is the URI that you should enter in the "External URI" field on the location change view. Before copying the Link/URI, be sure to check the "include marker" box just above. You should also enter the Geo URI in the corresponding field.
Fields for external authorities will be added for other record types (e.g. institutions) over time.